Monday, June 16, 2008

Saving a crow

Irene saved a crow last night. She discovered the bird near the street, bleeding from the beak. People stopped by.
"Too far gone," they said.
"You can't save it," they said.
"Someone should put it out of its misery," they said.
Meanwhile the bird lay by the mailbox, unable to move, ants encroaching. We called the Native Animal Rescue number. We'd have to bring the bird to them. Trouble is, we were a little afraid of the bird.
Irene broke the stalemate, loaded the unresisting animal into a box and we drove it to the rescue place which is a house nearby run by a woman with donations only. She did a cursory exam and took the animal in. Irene is a woman of action. She stepped up. She did the right thing. While a hoard of passers-by counted the crow out Irene took it in.


AMGallegos said...

That's wonderful. Great work Irene! I would not be surprised if that crow recovers and spends the rest of it's life cawwing around your place!

CJGallegos said...

Oh, great! (we've actually named the bird: Poe the Crow.)

Katie Bowen said...

Irene is the greatest.

Simple Recipes said...

Great rescue Irene!!!!! Shame on all those other people!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your kudos. We hope to see Poe around the Hood before long. Irene

Anonymous said...

If y'all like crows so much c'mon to Pondy and take 'em away by the carload. We're always dealing with crow poop on our terrace bannisters. Jeanny like a trooper cleans it up a couple of times a day. All this because our very near-by neighbors feed them, thinking it brings luck. I have a running battle with the servant of the neighbors about it. I'm not winning. I've been trying to figure out how to get rid of those damn pets or the neighbors.

CJGallegos said...

Hey, Jay! The Native Animal Rescue in Santa Cruz is now accepting crows from India. Of course there's the Visas to deal with and all of these old crows must be employed. How are you???

x said...

I did this once with a pigeon flapping in the middle of the road with cars whizzing over it. I couldn't stand the thought of it being squished, it was so desperate. We got it to a safe sanctuary, but never learned if it survived. I wondered what had gotten into me that day.