I'm leaping into the Blog Waters, a place I've been before, briefly, 18 months ago. I started my original blog in 12-05 and kept it up for a month. I mean, it's not as if I were busy...I was retired, aimless, sitting around for the first time in 37 years or so. Now that I've recovered from the initial shock of freedom I'm busier and maybe for this reason I can keep the blog going for longer than a few weeks. Join me...I'll be examining the life of a woman aging, a woman on the cusp of adventure with my little dog, Annie Bones and my partner of 27 years, Irene. I'm a woman who has just received her Medicare card in the mail...it's official, I'm no longer a girl...so if not now when?
Congratulations! I really look forward to reading your blog. You're a fantastic writer and a super interesting person (all of my friends agree), so I'm sure it will be great!
p.s. I love your self-description!
I'm shocked!
I didn't didn't know!
I had no Idea!
Your favorite movie is African Queen! Mine too!
I personally have no less than two, maybe three, copies.
It a small world.
Oh Brother
Michael T.
I love it! Keep it comin' Oh Sweet Blogging Woman! You are one of the most interesting and creative people around so I know we will read amazing things from you.
Much Love,
Thanks, Aaron and Wendy for your blog support! I Appreicate it..You're my inspiration.
Mike...The African Queen? You have 2-3 copies of it? I have a book called "The Making of the African Queen" which is exactly that. When I find it I'll send it to you. Somehow I bet mom loved this movie too...(altho it probably gave her the vapors if you know what I mean..)
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