On last night's news I heard there are still 500,000 uncounted absentee ballots in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties. According to Shawn Bagely, democratic party chair, "It doesn't really matter. These votes won't change the outcomes at all."
Well, this certainly inspires confidence and makes one want to get out there and participate, doesn't it?
Is that even legal?
What? His comment? (I don't think so. I mean, one of those ballots is mine)
Don't they have to count all the ballots by law? Since when are estimates valid in elections? Oh yeah, since Flordia 2000! Silly me.
You silly goose. I wonder where the "other side" is mobilizing right now?!
Tai, at the risk of sounding jaded, I like your slogan. At least it cuts to the chase.
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