Sometime around 1975 my two sons and their renegade group of fellow skaters took me up to Serrano High School just south of our desert "town" to teach me to skate.
The school was perched on the side of the San Gabriel Mountains and had steep parking lots. They set up a series of cones as if in one short lesson I'd learn slalom or something.
With one kid on each side they steadied me, stepped away and "let'r rip". I flailed down about 8 feet before "hitting the wall"...
Hmmm, I wonder what they were really trying to do?
Mom, if you liked skateboarding, perhaps we can try some waterskiing next week?
I'll bring my wetsuit, but since it's kind of bulky I think I'll wear it on the plane with my flippers and mask. Wonder what Homeland Security will think of that?(I could tell them I'm a Navy Seal...)
I guess if there are no liquids involved it's okie-dokie. By the way, are you watching our temperatures up here? 106! Your wetsuit may just melt to your body.
Yikes! So we can put our parkas back in mothballs?
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