Wednesday, June 4, 2008


When I was growing up we had an array of animals: hampsters, chickens, cats, gold fish, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, white rats. But I never had a pony.


AMGallegos said...

Well, I think you should count your blessings. Remember the pony you got me when we moved to the desert bucked me off and got me lost in the wilderness for what seemed like days? I was only 11, but as I wandered lost through the desert I quoted the girl in your picture over and over again. And not in a good way.

CJGallegos said...

That pony almost killed you. (what was it's name?) We ended up giving it, tack and all to somebody for a bunch of chickens. (or was it a goat?)

AMGallegos said...

...or was it for glue?

CJGallegos said...

Aaron, we traded "Smitty" who was beaten unconscious by Ed from the mountains for glue and a washing machine to Diane Jeno, remember?
Tai, is that anything like guns don't kill people. People kill people?

AMGallegos said...

I think Ed was just trying to train him. At least Smitty was a real horse. My pony was a psychologically twisted beast from Shetland.

CJGallegos said...

I think it was Smitty who kicked Sol in the head causing a great lump and a dizzy spell and admonishment from June to "watch what you're doing". (I've always wanted to go to Shetland.)