Thursday, November 29, 2007
I'm Not There

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Road rage
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Brain fog
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Flying high

When my sons and I lived in the Mojave Desert we lacked a few basic things. Like a vacuum cleaner for example. Every few weeks, (or longer) we'd go up to town and borrow the Elfring's vacuum cleaner.
I'd vacuum like crazy then my boys would return it and we'd watch the sand and rubble accumulate around us until we couldn't stand it and we'd borrow the vacuum again.
Finally after years of this my kids presented me with a vacuum of my own. Brand new. Apparently they'd been scraping their money together for a while, (maybe from their worm farm wages).
I wasn't exactly the housewife type but I have never been so touched by a gift in my life. I didn't change my ways. Just vacuumed when absolutely necessary but I figured I was one of the luckiest mom's in the whole town.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday

In 30 degree temps and below men, women and children sat on lawn chairs wrapped in chenille bedspreads and waited through the night for the stores to open at 4 AM on Friday morning.
Then they rushed the doors, scrambled over their fellow shoppers and ran at breakneck speed through the stores swooping up the latest in whatever.
I'm just wondering what these people do with their lawn chairs, chenille bedspreads, weber's barbecues and jugs of water? Nothing earth shaking...just something that's kept me up at night wondering.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
tofu and turquoise
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A poet's eye

I've never met Ms. Rich but since she lives in my neighborhood I do see her from time to time at Trader's or on the road. The only conversation I ever had with her was at Capitola Book Cafe. She was trying to park her car in a very crowded lot and she was being cut off by a Brink's armored car. I stepped in and directed traffic a little so she could park. I then went into the bookstore and was browsing when I heard her voice. She came up to me and thanked me for helping her with the traffic situation. We went on to have a short conversation about the parking of cars.
I wondered this morning as I threaded my way through the holiday throngs watching Ms. Rich from the corner of my eye, what she was seeing. I wondered how she must see things differently. I imagined she sees this same crowded roadway but that she sees it with the eye of a poet.
Thinking of family

Stress Center

Dear Editor,
In your Nov. 17 edition, in the upper lefthand corner of Page A2 is a little blurb titled, "The end of the flea". It states flea marketers are "a little sad."
"A little sad?" Who writes this stuff anyway? To say that flea marketers are a little sad is the antithesis of hyperbole. We've collected 20,000 signatures in support of Sutter giving us one year in their "empty parking lot" so we can find a different site for the flea market. I just hope with yet another alternative Santa Cruz icon biting the dust that Sutter hospital plans to include a "stress center" in its new conglomerate. Cooper Gallegos, Santa Cruz
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Going with the Flo

Monday, November 19, 2007
Six degrees

I don't know how the conversation started but I said: If republicans win the next election I'm going to hang myself from the town clock. They looked at me. Do you want a bag with that book, they asked? Then they turned away.
I left their booth wondering: Could it be? Could these women be republicans? Could I have actually missed this about them all these years? Do we ever really know anybody? Then I remembered: The old six degree of separation rule.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Swan Song
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Going Underground...

Friday, November 16, 2007
Happy Birthday, Mike!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Happy Birthday, Aaron!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sink or swim

Lost and found

If these were adults they'd be thought to have lost their minds. But because they're 20 months old we all know they're just finding theirs.
Starry starry sky
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Return from my blog-break?

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
An early morning walk at the harbor

Monday, November 5, 2007
A beautiful evening

A brilliant, sensitive and powerful rendering of the lives of 2 women, one Senegalese, the other white American and their struggles to follow their individual spirits.
It is a poignant blend of grace and humor and African and modern dance.
If you are in the Santa Cruz area try to catch this act. Your life will be richer for it. Thank you, Marian!
(Marian has a website: www.mariamatheplay.com please check it out!)
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Girl on the edge

The seedier the better, the more garbage strewn. Stray cats and dogs a plus.
My very favorite alleys though were the ones filled with unwashed men drinking wine straight out of the bottle.
Smacking their lips and crashing the empties against the damp brick buildings.
Where was my mother, do you spose?
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Six of one
The Gods Must Be Crazy
The Santa Cruz holiday
If you're over 65 you'd better be healthy

Friday, November 2, 2007
Bumper sticker..
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Jolly, my eye

Clerk: I'm sorry but you didn't complete this on time. Your mail is going back to sender.
Man: But I need my mail.
Clerk: Your mail is not available to you. We're sending it back. You didn't complete the change of address on time.
Man: Okay. Thank you. And he wheeled out without his mail.
When my turn came the clerk smiled brightly and said "Good Morning". I didn't smile and I didn't speak. But I did give her the evil eye.