I don't know how the conversation started but I said: If republicans win the next election I'm going to hang myself from the town clock. They looked at me. Do you want a bag with that book, they asked? Then they turned away.
I left their booth wondering: Could it be? Could these women be republicans? Could I have actually missed this about them all these years? Do we ever really know anybody? Then I remembered: The old six degree of separation rule.
Maybe they couldn't bear the image of a staunch liberal and flea market friend hanging from the clock in the town square.
Well, I hadn't thought of that..maybe that's what it was?!
Maybe you took their idea?
At this rate we're going to have half the citizenry dangling from the second hand.
your blog just amazes me everytime i read it..when is your book coming out??? i agree totally with you and will be right there beside you!!!!
On my blog you will never see a picture of a politician. (Except Denis Kucinich). Somehow I feel that by keeping politicians off my blog, I keep it untainted and virtuous. Perhaps these ladies, in an attempt to remain pure and good, simply chose not to allow republican comments, even though anti, to enter their orbit.
I think I'm right! I want a prize!
Katie, you win! Your prize is a position in the next administration, doing something, oh I don't know..like political maybe..
Katie has a good point but i think that Grandma Bean is on the mark...and such a funny idea!
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