I was sitting outside reading a book, kicked back, Annie B lying in the shade of the picnic table when an RV pulled up next to us, parked and an exuberant couple got out. "Howdy!" the man said. They came over, plunked themselves down, made themselves at home. "Where you from?" and all that. The very moment they heard my traveling companion was a woman, they asked to be moved several 'streets' away.
I was taking a walk, came upon a man and woman and their two dogs. They are work-campers, travel the country working at RV parks in exchange for free rent. Nice people, interesting, 'dog-people'. Want to build for Habitat for Humanity. Their little dog, wearing a bandanna nipped at Annie, the way dogs do to arrange their pecking order. Suddenly the nice man took off his hat and began beating the dog. Beating and beating.
I'm telling you, it must be the air, or the water. I'm scared. (we're also out of here, right after tomorrow night's book reading in Portland.)
Oh Coop,
I'm sorry the RV park is full of rednecks. While some of Oregon is, Portland definitely is not. I think you will feel very at home and surrounded by sanity at Annie Blooms. And, please, stop in Portland to see the Japanese garden and POWELLS BOOKS. You HAVE to see POWELLS. Best of luck in the reading. You are missed too.
ohhhhh myyyyyyy goddddddd!!!! some people huh??? I think it is portland???? hope the book reading goes well and you get your butts out of town!!! looking forward to meeting up with you guys...vinnie had a tough time with all the noisy fireworks...cho the chocolate lab we are watching didn't have a care in the world he is 11 guess being old and deaf has its advantages....big hugs...
this is all very disturbing indeed! so sad to hear that crazy people and their hate are roaming around. i guess one super president does not a kind country make...at least not right away!
oops! that was me writing above!
It took me a while to think about what I wanted to say. I'm still not sure, that ignorance and hatefulness (along with compassion and commitment) can be found everywhere. It's harder to take somehow when one is out on the road and sort of ungrounded. Hugs.
Ain't that America? (As the song goes...)
Thanks, everyone for your comments. We actually did meet some good people around the Portland area. And had some good times. Internet has been iffy. I'll try to post a state-saving blog tomorrow morning!
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