I've never met Ms. Rich but since she lives in my neighborhood I do see her from time to time at Trader's or on the road. The only conversation I ever had with her was at Capitola Book Cafe. She was trying to park her car in a very crowded lot and she was being cut off by a Brink's armored car. I stepped in and directed traffic a little so she could park. I then went into the bookstore and was browsing when I heard her voice. She came up to me and thanked me for helping her with the traffic situation. We went on to have a short conversation about the parking of cars.
I wondered this morning as I threaded my way through the holiday throngs watching Ms. Rich from the corner of my eye, what she was seeing. I wondered how she must see things differently. I imagined she sees this same crowded roadway but that she sees it with the eye of a poet.
I cooked for her when she was a regular at India Joze...always in right at 5:00 p.m.
Wow! I wonder if she recognizes the family connection?
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