But in Oregon we did see a dog lumpy with tumors who sang along with "Jesus Loves Me."
A drug dealer's state rest stop where everyone drove in in a beat-up Chevy van and exchanged drugs like it was a farmer's market.
A new bride leaning against the fender of her SUV, beneath a cheery "Just Married" sign, smoking and staring desolately at the black-topped parking lot of a Best Western Hotel.
A family of 3 with their Jack Russell terrier picnicking on the grassy center divide of I-5.
A rust covered van stuffed to the gills with clothes, furniture, books and rubble sporting a bumper sticker that read, "At least I can still smoke in my car."
9 years ago
sounds like you and irene had quite the adventure in oregon...that is the pacific northwest for ya!!! hope you had a great time...
You didn't happen to come by this exhibit at the Oregon FDL compound did you? Now that would be something to talk about.
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