Friday, August 14, 2009

Woodstock Wanabee

This could have been me. But I was busy in LA living my own private Woodstock. I had two kids and if I remember correctly we did not have a car! Country Joe, (and the Fish) used to come to our house in ELA, lie on our kitchen floor and stare at the ceiling. When I saw him on TV news performing on the main Woodstock stage I was flabbergasted. I had no idea.


smartz said...

I am so jealous! I would have loved to have Country Joe on my floor. And I wanted to be at Woodstock desperately. Of course this was months (years?) later when the movie came out.

AMGallegos said...

I tell everyone Country Joe was my babysitter. That's right, right?

AMGallegos said...

Mom, is that a picture of you crowd surfing??

CJGallegos said...

Yes, Aaron, not only was he your babysitter, but was your uncle...and yes, that is me, airbrushed and edited from a pic in ELA on Brooklyn Ave.

AMGallegos said...

My uncle? What part of family history am I missing????