Tuesday, November 27, 2007


90% of all the things you see in this picture came from the flea market. And 50% of the people.


Anonymous said...

But wouldn't that have been 100% of the people as both Kleya and I had been to the Flea Sunday or is it 50% because Kleya had just come from the Flea before we ate?

CJGallegos said...

No, it's because that's where we met Kleya.

AMGallegos said...

Wow, I haven't been home for a long time! Is that a real Edgar Allen Poe stuffed crow in background? That's crazy! I like your friend's taste in clothes. My Santa Cruz pull-over is among my favourite things.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I have two of those crows. Pretty neat table and chairs in our "new dining room" too, huh?

CJGallegos said...

Or were you talking about the people?