Some of the residents of the Isle of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea have filed a lawsuit against the world's gay women for use of the name, "lesbian". Lesbos is the birthplace of ancient poet Sappho who espoused love between women. The residents of Lesbos claim they don't feel comfortable calling themselves Lesbians anymore. Their capitol is Mytilene. Maybe the gay women of the world could call themselves Mytilenians instead.
If you ask me, those Lesbians are missing a huge marketing opportunity to increase tourism to their island!
Well, actually the Lesbians are nice people who have always welcomed lesbians to their island. They just want to be able to call themselves Lesbians without being lesbians. You know?
Mytilenians it is! Hee!
I'm very comfortable calling myself a Lesbian.
Katie, you crack me up!
Tai, you crack me up!
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