Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Emma M. Nutt Day!

Mark your calendars for September 1st!

I won't be around, (Burning Man and all) BUT, there are several things going on.

It is my birthday, (65th)

It is also Lily Tomlin's birthday, (68th). She's seen here as Ernestine, the endearing phone operator.

"We don't care. We don't have to care. We're the phone company".

AND it is Emma M. Nutt Day! Miss Nutt was the very 1st female telephone operator, hired in Boston on September 1st, 1878. She is quoted as saying she was "very glad her 1st name was not Imma". Quite the cutup, that Emma. Just like Lily.

Happy Birthday, Lily and oh, just Happy Day, Emma!

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