Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is a carousel...

For the next few days we'll be camping in the shadow of this ferris wheel. If it slows down I will post a blog.


Querulous Squirrel said...

These are wonderful posts. They remind me of a cross-country trip out west when my children were small and I thought I would retire in an RV like so many retirees out there. It's still my dream. But with gas. Also, I'm not sure I could maneuver an RV on the highway, not to mention switchbacks.

AMGallegos said...

So now you've run away to join the circus? Oh my.

CJGallegos said...

Querlous Squirrel, you've got me pegged. Just give me the open road!

Aaron, did I never tell you? It's always been my dream.

smartz said...

Carousels always remind me of those b&w movies where someone is being chased through the amusement park after hours. Scary...

CJGallegos said...

Smartz, of course they do. That's why you and I get along so well...