Sunday, February 22, 2009

Miracle on Harper St.

Yesterday, feverish and racked with pestilence I saw a vision of the Virgen de Guadalupe on a window frame in my bedroom. (okay, a naked virgen).
You have to squint, have imagination and you must have a temperature of at least 100 degrees to fully appreciate the image.


AMGallegos said...

She appears to the most unlikely of people. I know a Marxist professor who saw her at UCSC, of all places.

AMGallegos said...

...not sure if his vision was naked or not though.

CJGallegos said...

Tai, I think that's a bedroll, she is in a bedroom afterall.

Aaron, this virgin really gets around!

CJGallegos said...

Tai, oh, dear...I see you are looking at the faux Virgen..the darker one, the one with the vacuum cleaner in her right hand. I had my eye on the yellow image..remember..squint and be feverish.

Simple Recipes said...

What the heck are you taking??? want that contiband that you were hiding?????hahhahahhahaha