Friday, April 10, 2009

The Revisionist

I am doggedly trying to add a little levity to the rewriting of this book but the book is having its way with me.


Simple Recipes said...

found this quote:
slight not what is near though aiming at what is far...euripides

CJGallegos said...

Janet...that just about sums it up.

Simple Recipes said...

hope you can see the light at the end of that tunnel:)

sarah said...

remember if you don't like this book, you can always write another one :-)

CJGallegos said...

Oh, Sarah, you're so funny. But I'll keep it in mind. What else will I have to do when I get to the "home"?

CJGallegos said...

Tai, I've been struggling all day with a sex scene that the experts tell me must be included. I'd like to levitate right out of here.

AMGallegos said...

Rewriting is twice the work of writing.