These certainly aren't your mother's Gray Bears! Oh wait, maybe they are!
Whose mother's gray hairs? I mean bears...
Oh my! At first I couldn't quite figure out what the paper rolling thing was about. Toilet paper, Xmas wrapping paper? Then I decided it must be newspaper?smartz
Yeah, newspaper. The old man rolling told me a long tale about how the paper is used in the "fields" or something. I like Rule #4 the best!
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These certainly aren't your mother's Gray Bears! Oh wait, maybe they are!
Whose mother's gray hairs? I mean bears...
Oh my! At first I couldn't quite figure out what the paper rolling thing was about. Toilet paper, Xmas wrapping paper? Then I decided it must be newspaper?
Yeah, newspaper. The old man rolling told me a long tale about how the paper is used in the "fields" or something. I like Rule #4 the best!
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